Affordable Medicines Europe, the association representing parallel distribution in the pharmaceutical supply chain, will see its Secretary General leave the association after summer.

Affordable Medicines Europe’s President, Mr Jörg Geller, said: “It is with great regret that I have received the resignation of our current Secretary General, Mr Kasper Ernest. Mr Ernest has done invaluable work to develop the association over the past six years.”

Significant footprint on the association

During the past six years, the association has gone through a significant development, including a complete re-branding, establishment of a professional secretariat with experts in their respective fields, launch of successful campaigns, and not least influence on the healthcare policy agenda.

Mr Geller commented: “It has been a pleasure to have Mr Ernest to head our association. He has made a significant footprint, and I am certain that we are now standing on a very solid foundation from which we can tackle challenges and seize opportunities coming our way in the future.”

New endeavour

Mr Ernest is leaving Affordable Medicines Europe after the summer to take up the role as Director General of GIRP, representing full-service healthcare distributors in Europe.

Mr Ernest said: “While I am thrilled to take on my new challenge at GIRP, I cannot hide that it is with a heavy heart I must say goodbye to Affordable Medicines Europe at the same time. The exceptional entrepreneurial spirit and deep-rooted purpose of creating competition in an otherwise monopolised market to the benefit of patients and taxpayers runs through every decision and action of the association. It has been a privilege to lead it over the past six years, and I am proud of what we have achieved.”

Mr Geller added: “I would like to very warmly thank Mr Ernest on behalf of all members and the sector at large. We wish him all the best in his new endeavour at GIRP.”


Affordable Medicines Europe has appointed Brussels based public affairs recruitment specialists Dober & Partners, to help them find the successor to Mr Ernest.

Mr Geller ended: “We have already begun the process of finding the successor to Mr Ernest, and he will stay on until the transition is complete to ensure the proper continuity of the association.”


For any questions or queries concerning this press release, please contact Kasper Ernest, Secretary General, by mail at or by mobile +32491255611.